Venezuela and Palestine: 15 Years of Friendship Between Nations

April 27, 2024 Hour: 12:26 pm

The Government of Venezuela reaffirmed its friendship with Palestine on the fifteenth anniversary of the establishment of its diplomatic relations, which is commemorated this Saturday, and reiterated its solidarity with its people in the face of Israel’s brutality in Gaza.


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Yesterday the Foreign Minister of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Yván Gil, together with the Ambassador of Palestine, Fadi Alzaben, they brought a wreath to the Liberator Simon Bolivar in the National Pantheon to conmemorate the diplomatics ties stablished 15 years ago by then president Hugo Chávez.

“Today, we reaffirm our friendship and solidarity with Palestine, a people that, in the midst of genocide, has managed to awaken the conscience of the world before the brutality of Israel and its allies in Washington,” Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yván Gil wrote in X.

Gil recalled that, 15 years ago, the Caribbean country “marked a historic milestone, recognizing the State of Palestine and establishing diplomatic relations,” during the government of then Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, who exalted the struggle of the Palestinian people for their sovereignty and liberation from Israeli oppression.

Also present was Jorge Arreaza, Secretary General of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-People’s Trade Agreement (ALBA-TCP), an organization that asked at its most recent meeting to incorporate Palestine, which is recognized by all of them as a Plreno State, as a “full member” of the bloc.

The Bolivarian nation and the State of Palestine have maintained diplomatic relations since April 27, 2009, established by Commander Chavez, as the first country to recognize the sovereignty of the State of Palestine.

Both nations have established commercial agreements in the areas of health, telecommunications, education and culture, during the government of the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, alliances that to date have been maintained by the government of Constitutional President Nicolás Maduro Moros.

Autor: teleSUR/ACJ

Fuente: VTV // EFE

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